

The guide will tell you how to embed the Wall of Love from Testimonial to any WordPress site.
Here is a live demo about how the Wall of Love looks in a WordPress site:
In the instruction, we will use default WordPress editor. If you are using any other 3rd-party builder/editor, the approach should be similar. If you need any extra help, please send us a message in the live chatbox on testimonial.to


  1. In the page edit view, lick the + button on the top-right corner
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2. In the popup list, scroll down to find Custom HTML option. You can also type HTML in the search bar to quickly find this option.
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3. Copy & paste the code in the HTML input block
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4. Click Update button on the top right corner
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5. That's it! Once you publish your site, the wall of love will be loaded automatically on your site. 🥳